[Resolution adopted on the status of Jerusalem and the creation of Al-Quds Committee]


The Sixth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers meeting in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 3-6 Rajab, 1395 H. (12-15 July, 1975)

Considering the status of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) under the Israeli occupation, the desecration of its Holy Shrines, the condition of its inhabitants, its Judaization, the alterations to its character, the dangers to its future as an Arab city where Muslims have preserved complete freedom of worship for all religions, and the threats to peace posed by such a situation:

Taking into consideration the fact that AI-Quds (Jerusalem) is an integral part of the usurped Palestinian Homeland and the fundamental position adopted by the Islamic States as regards the need to safeguard the Arab character of Jerusalem to preserve its sanctity in Islam and all divine religions in general, in accordance with the resolutions of Islamic Summit Conferences;

And considering that Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is still occupied, and that the Israeli occupation authorities are proceeding with their measures, heedless of the resolutions of international organizations on the status of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the fundamental and national rights of its original inhabitants:

And considering the necessity of following up efforts in all spheres to maintain sovereignty over the Arab City of Jerusalem, and safeguard its Islamic character and the rights of the followers of the divine religions there:


To set up a permanent committee of the representatives of nine members to be joined by the Secretary General ex-officio called “Al-Quds Committee of (Jerusalem)” stemming from the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

The task of this Committee is to follow up the implementation of the resolutions that were, and will be adopted by the Islamic Conference and to follow up the resolutions of other international organizations supporting the Conference's stand or conforming to it; and to hold contacts with any other organizations, and propose to Member States appropriate measures for implementing resolutions and achieving objectives; and to adopt whatever measures to meet new developments within these functions;

Considering the inseparable link between the Palestine question and the conflict against Zionism based on the fact that the usurpation of Palestine, including Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is the core of this conflict, this Committee should be entrusted with the task of following up the implementation of all the resolutions of the Islamic Conference in this respect;

The Conference is to elect members of this Committee for a 3-year renewable term. The Committee will submit its annual report to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers through the General Secretariat which is regulated to provide it with all necessary facilities;

The Committee is to hold its meeting at the invitation of its Chairman, the Secretary General of the Islamic Conference Organization, or at the request of the majority of its members. The meeting will be considered regular if attended by the majority of members.